Play Group
  • Children in this age group explore and identify objects from their immediate
    environment, the day is such a way designed that they involve in learning through seeing and
    hearing everything in a poetic manner, picture reading, identifying primary colours and discovering a
    concept of the self forms the base of the curriculum.
  • Age group: 2 – 3 years
  • Duration: 3 hours sessions, Mon – Fri
Activities Festivals Days
Orientation Week Rakshabandan Celeb. Father’s Day Celebration
Tree Plantation Janmashtami Celebration Red day Celebration
Balloon Activity Teachers’ Day celebration Blue Day Celebration
Sand Activity Navratri Celebration Science Week
Cookie Cutter Activity Diwali Celebration Swatchhta Diwas
Balloon Print Activity Christmas Celebration Favourite Vegetable Day
Introduction- Rainy Season Uttrayan celebration Orange Day
Lid-Printing Holi Celebration Favourite Season
Flag Activity Monocrome Day
Drawing Comp. Pink Day
Card making Yellow Day
Sports day
Sand Activity
Kite Activity
Leaf Print
Annual Function
Flower Print
Fancy dress
Field trips